What It Means to Be a Futurist

Long before the glitz and glamour of becoming an IBM Futurist earlier this year, I actually gave myself the title of Futurist (2011). We’re long obsessed with our titles in Silicon Valley. Without the background in math I knew that data scientist or analyst didn’t fit me. Ninja, Rock Star, Growth hacker, meh… Not into those! While I enjoy and own the fact I’m an SEO, it’s a very odd title to tell people in social settings (not sure why). Therefore, Futurist was what I picked years ago as my title and I still call myself one today.
Wikipedia defines Futurists as:
Scientists and social scientists whose specialty is futurology, or the attempt to systematically explore predictions and possibilities about the future and how they can emerge from the present, whether that of human society in particular or of life on Earth in general.
YES!!! That’s me. The one thing I’m always thinking about – the future! I have been obsessed with the future since my first viewing of the Jetsons as a kid. Star Trek, Star Wars, Space Balls. All of it fascinated me more than just about anything else. As a kid I disassembled my clock radio just to figure out how it worked. Do most kids do that? I’m not sure…
In September 2015 I was invited into the IBM Futurist program. Essentially the company has been collaborating with top thought leaders in order to re-imagine what the future of commerce looks like (my group is #NewWaytoEngage). Futurists selected for the program are experts in their topic areas, have a strong social presence and regularly create and curate forward-thinking content around social business. So color me mega flattered for being included in such an amazing group!
The point I am trying to make in this post is that I beam with pride at calling myself a Futurist. Now I’m now on a team of fellow Futurists flown around the country to tweet and talk about the future… It’s like a dream. Without an innate zest and enthusiasm for innovation, I don’t know where I would be today.
I am grateful for all the joy and excitement 2015 has brought me at CircleClick. I was invited to join the Comedy Central Social Scene group, then I was recruited as an IBM Futurist. Overall, what I am most thankful and excited for is what 2016 holds! Between writing a book (more information on that coming soon) and participating in the Futurist program – the future looks very, very bright.
2015 has been an awesome year and we expect 2016 to be even more awesome! Pinch me, am I dreaming?
Click the image preview below to see the whole IBM Futurist team: