SEO in a Mobile World: #SEJThinkTank Webinar Recap

This week CircleClick’s CEO, Anne A. Ward, was featured in a webinar by Search Engine Journal to discuss SEO in a Mobile World as part of the #SEJThinkTank series. She was invited to participate in this webinar after she gave a similar presentation that resonated with the crowd at the SEJ Summit in April in Santa Monica, CA.
More than half of 100 billion monthly searches are occuring on mobile devices. @annebot #sejthinktank
— SearchEngineJournal® (@sejournal) August 24, 2016
Don’t cut corners on optimization. Be cool to your users. @annebot #sejthinktank
— SearchEngineJournal® (@sejournal) August 24, 2016
When done right, apps can become prolific in generating revenue for future apps if you have the resources. @annebot#SEJThinkTank
— Circle Click (@circleclick) August 24, 2016
Here are the three takeaways from today’s #SEJThinkTank presentation. Great presentation @annebot!
— mobilefomo (@mobilefomo) August 24, 2016
Below is the video from her presentation. Please note the introduction is not available due to a technical difficulty.
Anne is currently writing the next SEO book for O’Reilly, entitled The SEO Battlefield: Winning Strategies for Search Marketing Programs, due to be published in early 2017.