Anne Ahola Ward to embark upon Texas TV tour

When you’re known as “the Mother of Startups” in Silicon Valley and you literally wrote the O’Reilly book on SEO, everyone wants to know your tips for success. While others like to keep the awesome sauce a secret, our CEO Anne Ahola Ward takes to media outlets to share how you can boost your online game while being mindful of privacy.
This time, Anne is heading out to Texas to appear on some major news channels – starting with ABC Dallas on Monday, February 4th, where she’ll share her expertise on online privacy and how to take control of your digital life. As major tech companies continue to make headlines for leaking personal data and violating users’ privacy, there couldn’t be a better time to tune in and get informed.
Next, Anne will take a trip down to Houston for Fox26 on Wednesday 9 am, February 6th. The final appearance will be in San Antonio KABB Fox on Friday 9 am, February 8th, where she’ll talk about social media trends to look out for this year. But in the meantime, you can check out the trove of information right here on our blog – from how to monetize your social media presence to Anne’s futurist predictions for 2019.